Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Theory Post

In order to end this ongoing argument, a little bit of compromise is needed on both sides. In any sort of debate, it is important for each arguer to keep an open mind and recognize the ideas of each side. This is what over 135 college presidents have done; weighed the pros and cons and made an educated decision without bias clouding their judgment. For this argument to come to an agreement, everyone needs to objectively look at the situation and be willing to give a little of what they want. Compromise is key, and that is what The Amethyst Initiative is proposing: a compromise. Those who are for keeping the drinking age at 21 are mainly worried about safety, both of teenagers and others. Those who want the drinking age to be 18 feel as though they are being deprived of their adult right and that a forbidden or bad perception of alcohol is being given off by these rules. Both sides in the end want safety; they just have different idea of as how to achieve that.



  2. Compromise is key with this continuous debate, but after all the research I have been doing I just keep thinking that it will never end; especially when you mention that everyone must weigh out all of the pros and cons. Have you also noticed the trends that the pros and cons of each side just seem to cancel each other out? I have also noticed the aspirations of the Amethyst Initiative their efforts seem to be getting stronger and stronger... Do you think they are going to win this ongoing battle?

  3. You are completely right about the pros and cons just essentially canceling each other out. Each side is so set in their ideas of the best way to achieve safety for the teens that they don't consider the other, seemingly outlandish, techniques of the opposing group. I think the Amethyst Initiative does have an interesting tactic and I hope they are going to win this ongoing battle. It certainly helps that more and more college leaders are backing this initiative seeing as how they directly see the negative repercussions of the 21 drinking age.
