Monday, November 9, 2009

Annotated Links Post

Are you one of those basic, lets-cut-to-the-chase-here types of people? Well essentially this link provides 15 reasons the drinking age should be lowered. Obviously, my blog goes a tad bit more in depth to the topic, but if you’re eyeballs are aching at the thought of reading all my posts, I suggest you just simply look here to get the gist of the pro side of the argument of lowering the drinking age.

The National Youth Rights Association is a legitimate organization created by young people to help voice the opinions of all young people across the nation. This organization does not only talk about drinking age, it also brings up the problems with voting laws and curfews as well. If you want to hear the general opinions of the youth and their justifiable arguments for their stance on lowering the drinking age, you should check out their website.

If you were to Google “arguments against lowering the drinking age,” your computer screen would be covered in statistics about death and despair and how alcohol is the worst thing ever. This webpage provides examples of these statistics, de-bunks them, and then provides logical reasons, options, and solutions for underage drinking other than just saying WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DRINK BECAUSE ALCOHOL IS FUN! (Yes, I have run across this once or twice). Check it outttttttt.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is one of the main organizations that strongly oppose the idea of lowering the drinking age. As with every argument, it is important to recognize and be knowledgeable about both sides. So regardless of your opinion, you should check this link out.

As I said in the previous paragraph, it is important to know every side to a story. The Amethyst Initiative is an organization that reasonably supports lowering the drinking age for logical reasons. I talk about this organization a lot in my blog because much of the drinking age debate focuses on who is right and wrong, but this provides a solution and a compromise.

One of my favorite links to the topic of the drinking age is this one right here. It is logical, objective, tells both sides of the argument, and puts new ideas on the table. PLUS it’s a video. No reading! Could life get any better? Thanks 60 Minutes.


  1. WOW...what an interesting video! The two proposition put forth by the two different men put me on the fence about lowering the drinking age. What was interesting to me was the license to drink. I personally don't think that classes about alcohol would be very effective. Some kids would listen, but the majority of them would not. On another note it was quite sad how that college student died while pledging, I could be wrong but I do not think that the reason that they did not call was because they were afraid of getting into trouble. I think the reason was because all the other people were too drunk to notice that his life was slipping away. If the drinking age is going to be lowered, their needs to be more monitoring for instances like this.

  2. Agreed, but that is where the debate comes into play. No one knows whether or not monitoring underaged kids more or less would be more beneficial. If we were monitored more we would be more apt to over drink when we weren't being watched by the po po. But when we are monitored less things like the boy dying at the fraternity happen. This is where my main argument comes into play- it is all about the mindset. Since we know the police are going to severely punish us when they catch us, we start drinking in dark corners and basements of frat houses- exactly the places deaths occur. If there was a less restricted and more casual opinion about 18 year olds drinking this could possibly change.

  3. well said 18equalsadult...well said :)
